You don’t need to be fluent in Italian to get lost in its generosity. In fact, it’s hardly ever about words with Italian food, but about feeling. Rich in aromas and with a very simplistic premise, Cucina Italiana speaks a universal tongue – taste buds.
But, for many, part of an experience at an Italian restaurant means immersing themselves in its expansive charm, humble comfort, and traditions. At Ambra – a little bit of Italy in New York – you get lost in a sensuous world that feels just like Nonna’s kitchen, enlivened by Executive Chef John DeLucie’s southern Italian roots.
Your next visit holds even bigger promise with just a dash of Italian restaurant talk – the words and phrases we so often see and hear when we’re fork deep into the fresh pasta that yells passion or intrigued by the special selection of vino and craft cocktails.
Beloved Italian Ingredients
Bistecca (bee-steh-kah) – steak
Agnello (ah-nyel-lo) – lamb
Manzo (mahn-tso) – beef
Anatra (ah-nah-trah) – duck
Maiale (mah-yah-leh) – pork
Pesce (peh-she) – fish
Pollo (poh-lo) – chicken
Pane (pah-neh) – bread
Minestra (mee-nehs-trah) – soup
Pomodoro (poh-moh-doh-ro) – tomato
Formaggio (for-mah-djoh) – cheese
Parmagiano (par-mee-djah-no) – parmesan cheese
Aglio (ah-lyoh) – garlic
Sale e pepe (sah-leh eh peh-peh) – salt and pepper
Aceto Balsamico (ah-cheh-toh bahl-sah-mee-koh) – balsamic vinegar
Basilico (bah-zee-lee-koh) – basil
A Taste for the Every Day
Ciao (chow) – hello and goodbye (informal)
Per favore (pehr-fah-voh-reh) – please
Grazie (graht-see-eh) – thank you
Prego (preh-goh) – you’re welcome
Ristorante (ree-stoh-rahn-teh) – An eatery or restaurant where you can indulge in Italian cuisine’s finest food, like Ambra.
Menù (meh-noo) – restaurant menu
Tavolo (tah-voh-loh) – table
Colazione (koh-lah-tsee-oh-neh) – breakfast
Pranzo (prahn-tsoh) – lunch
Cena (cheh-nah) – Dinner
Antipasto (ahn-tee-pah-stoh) –appetizer, starter
Primo, primo piatto (pree-moh, pree-moh pee-ah-toh) – first course
Secondo, secondo piatto (seh-kohn-doh, seh-kohn-doh pee-ah-toh) – second course
Contorno (kohn-tohr-noh) – side dish
Insalata (een-sah-lah-tah) – salad
Dolce (dohl-che) – dessert
Bevanda (beh-vahn-dah) – drink
Vino (vee-noh) – wine
Caffè – coffee; in Italy, it’s a short black. If you want a coffee with milk, you can order a cappuccino, though that is not ordered after lunch. Latte is not the Italian word for coffee but milk.
Acqua (ah-koo-ah) – water
When It’s Truly Delectable
Buono (beh-neh) – good or pleasant; usually in reference to food
Delizioso (deh-lee-tsyoh-soh) – delicious
Ottimo (oh-tee-moh) – excellent; often expressed when someone is particularly impressed with a meal
Gustoso (goo-stoh-soh) – tasty
Saporito (sah-poh-ree-toh) – flavorful
Succulento (suk-koo-len-toh) – succulent
Stupendo (stoo-pen-doh) – wonderful, delightful
Fancy an Extra Side of Lingo?
For the worldly foodie in you, a sprinkle of extra phrases you may hear around the Italian food scene or even utter yourself:
Posso vedere il menù, per favore? May I see the menu, please?
What do you recommend? Che cosa ci consiglia?
What would you like to drink? Cosa porto da bere?
What would you like to eat? Che cosa vi porto?
That was delicious! Era tutto buonissimo!
The bill, please. Il conto, per favore.
Magnifico in Every Way
These syllables fa venire l’acquolina in bocca, which means that they ‘make your mouth water.’ Did you know that Italian food is also typically enjoyed in various courses – an age-old dance of sorts?
New York City is at the heart of some of the world’s finest cuisines, with Italian food at an Italian restaurant promising to be an undeniably rich experience. Even though we might order in English here, it still feels like a genuine piece of Italy, brewing excitable guests from across the world through a sincere celebration of heritage (always with a contemporary twist, though).
And so, at Ambra, an authentic Italian food feast slowly unravels, from the very first hearty “welcome” to your sip of Digestivo after your meal. The ambiance and flow of a meal at this Italian Restaurant in New York is such that it invites you to make your own conclusions. Start with the menu.
Make a reservation, or simply take a seat. Your table awaits. Buon appetito!